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Result in mode AVX2

Submitted anonymously

November 27th 2024 at 01:20

from Windows [10.0.26100.2454]
Multithread [24 threads]
Test#1 (Integers)
44219 points
350710 points (x 7.9)
Test#2 (FP)
28068 points
273474 points (x 9.7)
Test#3 (Generic, ZIP)
14190 points
113456 points (x 8.0)
Test#1 (Memory)
14975 points
38109 points (x 2.5)
101452 points
775749 points (x 7.6)

Markdown link:
vBulletin link:
Image link:

Testing details
13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-13700F
Frequency (measured)
0 MHz

Testing details
Predator PO3-650
BIOS brand
American Megatrends Inc.
BIOS version
R01-A4 [10/04/2024]

Testing details
(8192 MB)
(8192 MB)
Total RAM
16 GB
Bus width
64 bits
4800 MHz
Form factor

Slots 1, 3:
It's the first time we receive this model. We'll add it to our database in a few hours. Thanks for the validation.

Monothread performance graphs
Monothread performance graphics gives the performance vs time. They are useful to measure the time it takes to the CPU to reach the maximum performance.

Usually, CPU's performance will be steady during these tests but if it has a slow frequency strategy, the first samples will show a lower score.

Test#1 (Integers)
grafica bm.hardlimit.com

Test#2 (FP)
grafica bm.hardlimit.com

Test#3 (Generic, ZIP)
grafica bm.hardlimit.com

Test#1 (Memory)
grafica bm.hardlimit.com

Multithread performance graphs
Multithread graphs measure the performance against a heavy load during certain time.

If CPU's TDP doesn't limit the frequency and the machine is properly cooled, performance should remain steady vs time. Otherwise, the performance score will oscillate or decrease over time.

Test#1 (Integers)
grafica bm.hardlimit.com

Test#2 (FP)
grafica bm.hardlimit.com

Test#3 (Generic, ZIP)
grafica bm.hardlimit.com

Test#1 (Memory)
grafica bm.hardlimit.com

First validation for this model
This is the first time we receive a validation of this model so it is not in our database. Because of that, it is not possible to show all the information. In a few hours, the rankings and signatures will be available.

Thanks for your submission and sorry the inconveniences.

Hardlimit Benchmark Central - Ver. 3.11.4